• For Inquirers,  Videos

    Orthodoxy and Other Christian Faiths

    What is the difference between Orthodox Christianity and other Christian Faiths? How are we compared or contrasted with others? First, A Little History Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism Orthodoxy and Protestantism An in-depth interview with Fr Josiah Trenham on Protestant Theology in two parts:

  • Our Faith

    What is the Orthodox Christian Church?

    There’s a good chance you’ve never heard our name before and maybe do not know too much about us. What does Orthodox mean anyway? To answer, it literally means “right believing” and expresses our belief that the Orthodox Christian church is the historical faith of the Apostles and for over 2,000 years have held fast to the traditions passed to us by word or epistle (2 Thess. 2:15). Our Lord proclaimed that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church (Matt. 16:17-19), and we firmly believe that His promise was kept and is alive today. The Orthodox Christian Church, also known as the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, is…