Saint Nektarios Catechetical School

On going catechism is important for spiritual nourishment and progress. The Orthodox Church has such a rich history and depth that one can spend an entire lifetime learning and never reach the bottom of. Our catechetical school is open to everyone who would like to learn more about Orthodoxy practice, theology, and scripture through a patristic lens. The patron of our school, St Nektarios, was a bishop at the beginning of the 20th c. in Greece who was a great preacher and catechist. Following the spirit of his teaching our goal is to deeper our understanding about God and put our faith into practice. We have covered topics such as Church history, lives of Saints, spiritual warfare, and various other topics. Recordings of some of these lectures are linked below. Most of the year we meet on Wednesday evenings at approximately 7pm, following Vespers at 6pm. During Great Lent, these lectures are moved to Fridays. Please take a look at our calendar page for the day, time, and topic we are currently discussing. All are welcome!

  • Media,  Saint Nektarios Catechetical School,  Talks and Events

    Heavenly Realm: Mystic Meanings of the Divine Liturgy

    From the time of the apostles until now Christians have gathered to break bread in common eucharistic prayer. Thus, the divine liturgy, having its roots in apostolic worhsip, has been the central aspect of Christian life for two-thousand years. In these lectures we will discuss the mystical meaning of the liturgy, why it is important, and its significance in our lives. Come and learn about the service that brings heaven to earth!

  • Media,  Saint Nektarios Catechetical School,  Talks and Events

    The Soul After Death Lecture Series

    What does the Orthodox Church teach about the soul and what happens to us after we die? How do we confront death and keep it before our eyes in order for us to lead a deep Christian life? In this lecture series, we tackle some of these questions along with many others. Death is a timely topic in a modern world plagued by the fear of it. As Christians, we are called to be ready to confront death at any moment, and the travesty that has been thrust upon us gives us more of an opportunity to live mindful of this great mystery.  

  • Media,  Saint Nektarios Catechetical School,  Talks and Events

    Survival Course for Orthodox Christians

    A new series of talks entitled the “Orthodox Survival Course,” dealing with questions about modern society and how to live as Orthodox Christians during these times. The lectures will explore the development of history, modern art, eastern cults, and the world’s preparation for the Antichrist. All of these topics will be examined through the witness of the Church Fathers and commentary from modern Saints and Holy Figures, providing answers for Orthodox Christians living in the world today. The lectures will take place at 7pm, after daily vespers on Wednesdays and begin on August 12th 2020 and the recordings will be posted here. The schedule is the following: THE ORTHODOX WORLD…

  • Media,  Saint Nektarios Catechetical School

    Awakening the Heart: Lectures on Confession

    During the Divine Liturgy, the priest exclaims “Holy Things are for the holy.” Repentance is a call back to holiness. It is “man’s return to God […] the transformation of the mind from the darkness of sin into the light of Christ” (Hieromonk Gregorios, Repentance and Confession). In this lecture series we will discuss the living a life of repentance, practical tools for the spiritual life, and ultimately what the sacrament of Holy Confession means for our lives.  If you you were born Orthodox, converted, or don’t know anything about Orthodoxy at all, please come learn, ask questions, and join in fellowship.  These lectures will take place on Wednesday evenings…